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“'My father should never have been put into a guardianship in the first place, and he should not be in one now,' Libra tells Rolling Stone. '[He] has a loving daughter, me, and he has been begging for me to come care for him, just as my father did for his own father. It is our family culture to care for our own.'”

Link: Pop-Art Icon Peter Max’s Daughter Files New Suit Calling His Guardianship ‘Inhumane’


“Such secretive communications have left Libra Max legally 'blindfolded and thus blindsided', the lawsuit says, 'robbed her of her ability to fairly advocate for her father’s freedom … and ultimately robbed Peter of precious years with his loved ones'.


'This case is so critical because the constitutional right at stake is so basic: to hear and respond to all of the evidence that your adversary presents to the court,' said Andrew Celli, of the law firm Emery Celli Brinckerhoff Abady Ward & Maazel, lead attorney in the case."

Link: ‘Kafka would blush’: artist Peter Max caught in legal guardianship lawsuit


“Max’s case marks the next major guardianship fight for Rosengart, who has been hailed as a hero by the #FreeBritney movement after he and his firm successfully worked to get Spears’ father suspended from her conservatorship, and then terminated the arrangement earlier this month after more than 13 years.”

Link: After Britney Spears Victory, Attorney Mathew Rosengart Joins Legal Team to Free Artist Peter Max


“Mathew Rosengart has joined the team fighting to free another legendary artist. Peter Max, 84, is famous for having helped refurbish the Statue of Liberty...Now, his daughter says, he is trapped in a “predatory” guardianship comparable to prison."

Link: Britney’s Lawyer Mathew Rosengart Joins Legal Effort to Free Peter Max


“Now that Britney Spears’s lawyer has officially freed the pop star, he is moving on to a legendary Pop artist. Mathew Rosengart has joined the legal team assembled by Peter’s daughter Libra Max, who is working to put an end to her father’s five-year conservatorship.”

Link: Britney Spears’s Lawyer Will Now Try to Free Artist Peter Max From Guardianship, Too


Free Britney America co-founder Cassandra Dumas [says], 'We have duty and responsibility to continue the momentum.'  Speakers for this month’s rally include Libra Max, the daughter of renowned artist Peter Max, who is also in a legal guardianship."

Link: Things Are Looking Up for Britney Spears. So the Next “Free Britney” Rally Will Focus on Other Questionable Guardianships


"Since 2019, Peter’s family and friends have been privately waging a legal battle to free Peter from his involuntary isolation at the hands of strangers; restore to him his dignity; and allow him to be surrounded by loved ones at the end of his life."

Link: Family of ailing artist Peter Max hopes to get him out of guardianship


"The US system of court-appointed guardians originally was intended to protect the vulnerable elderly and incapacitated, but in some cases, it has become a money-making scheme for a network of unscrupulous lawyers, judges and care providers, who sell the assets of their charges and control their lives without their consent."

Link: Guardianship forces pop art legend Peter Max to live as shut-in, pals say: Devine

Link: Peter Max’s daughter fights against pop artist’s ‘abusive’ guardianship

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"Libra’s suit alleges that [they] took one of the greatest minds of our time and thrust him into a world of deafening white noise, surrounded by a rotating cast of paid aides who know nothing of his life and who sat him in front of a television for three years. The shock to Peter’s system by being forced into this disorienting and empty world was not only devastating to Peter, but sent a ripple of devastation through Peter’s extensive community of friends and loved ones who had to hear him on the phone repeatedly begging for companionship and to be rescued from his loneliness.”

Link: Pop-Art Icon Peter Max’s Daughter Files New Suit Calling His Guardianship ‘Inhumane’


"Libra Max says that all of the judges presiding over her father’s guardianship have defended ex parte meetings with guardians as permissible, with one judge allegedly referring to ex parte meetings as a 'right of the guardianship judge.' The lawsuit acknowledges that ex parte communications are sometimes allowed, where, for example, the communications are made for scheduling or administrative purposes, but argues that the ex parte communications in Peter Max’s case have been substantive and prejudicial."

Link: Artist Peter Max’s Daughter Sues N.Y. Judge Over Guardian Talks


“My father escaped the Holocaust,” Max said. “He came to this country as a teenage immigrant with nothing. He started from nothing. He believed in the American dream. And because he achieved the American dream, it has now made him a target.”

Link: Free Peter Max, a daughter’s fight to remove her dad from the clutches of ‘predatory’ guardianship


“Rosengart said, 'I am honored to join the team’s laudable efforts to seek justice for Peter Max. This typifies the type of guardianship that merits judicial attention and potential state and federal legislation.'”

Link: Britney Spears’ lawyer joins team fighting to free artist Peter Max


Link: Safety fears for artist Peter Max in ‘Britney Spears-style conservatorship’


“As his upcoming New York Supreme Court case approaches quickly, with the addition of Spears’ successful high power attorney Mathew Rosengart, Peter Max’s fate may take a dramatic 'up' turn and with it, the greater awareness of the growing human rights violations being waged against the aged population in the U.S.”

Link: Peter Max: From Positive Pop Art Prince to Human Rights Prisoner


"Originally, the 83-year-old Max, who has dementia, was placed under guardianship in 2016 due to alleged mistreatment by his now-deceased wife. A succession of guardians followed, and when a third was appointed in June 2019, Libra Max said, 'the nightmare began.'"

Link: It's not just Britney Spears. 1.3 million Americans are under conservatorship. Activists want reform.


"The publicity blitz by Max’s family members comes amid growing concerns about abuse of the guardianship process. Britney Spears grabbed international headlines when she said she felt “enslaved” by an “abusive” conservatorship that she has been unable to escape since mental health crises in 2007 and 2008."

Link: Britney Spears, Peter Max and all of us: Abusive guardianships are a big national problem

Link: Family of ailing artist Peter Max hopes to get him out of guardianship


"The guardianship has depleted his hard-earned life’s earnings by over $16 million, with millions being paid, without his permission, to the court-appointed guardians and attorneys who now control all aspects of his life."

Link: Family of ailing artist Peter Max hopes to get him out of guardianship

Statement from Libra Max

September 30, 2021 “The moment I made public the campaign to release my father, my next visit with him was denied. When others have gone...

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