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Annalisa Amato

Melanie Mandarano

End conservatorship abuse.

Anne Russo

Chandrika Shrobe

Wendy Sacks

Scot Mellor

Maria Romero

Sr. Project Engineer/Sr. Legal Space Counsel
Both my parents were put into a forced guardianship due to abusive sons who were financially exploiting them.""

Roswita Szyszka

This is wrong and sounds like theft!

Debra Bergen Koster


Betty Debra Rose

I am a fellow being who believes that the treatment of Peter Max is a travesty.

Jessica Kacer

Jamie Davison

IT Administrator

Fionnuala Connolly

It's inhumane to cage someone like this, especially a vulnerable man like Peter. It is unforgivable to stand in the way between a person and their loved ones.

Anna Lam

Shannon Terranova


Rebecca Sherman

Certified Child Life Specialist
No child should be denied an organic relationship with their parent, period.""

Joe DAmbrosio

Trina Tardone

Lover of Peter Max Art

Susan Goldman

There should be better protections for people with dementia with review of funds spent and home care assessment.

Heather Dawn

Ann-Marie York

Regina Pellegrino

Hannah Grossman

Cheryl Hoey

Virginia Derasmi

He needs to be with his family!

Jacqueline Circosta

No person should ever be taken away from their family.

David Mark Hughes

Friend of a friend, Animal Advocate

Eve Morrow


Greg Sullivan

Decent Human

Jack Michaels

Concerned citizen

Marlene Wardell

Unconscionable abuse.

David Kerner

Mike Imperato

Holly Maffia

Loyal Fan and Believer of Justice and Freedom.

Ann Morris

As a loving human, I cannot condone this abuse.

Thomas Padilla

Concerned Citizen and Lover of Art & Justice

Sarah Haughney

Denise Cutter

Rick Wargo

I hope and pray this experience shines a bright light on this ugly disease of greed and helps put an end to it, everywhere.

Mary Oconnor

Hope people who really care about him can step in to care for him.

Donald Blair

Holly Higgins

Roseann Bufalino

Lifelong fan

Jennifer Agneta

No government should take away someone’s freedom and wealth!

Amber Vraspir

Heidi Pellegrini

Janice Chamberland

Cruel and inhumane treatment and theft.

Ann Henderson


Darlene Margeta


Francine Misino Seal

Supporter of his art and supporter of his freedom!

Valma Offord


Lydia Matthews

Peter should not be denied visits with family and friends.

James O’Blaney


Alexis Bean

Freedom Activist
Isolating a person from their is family unjust and cruel. Peter has told most everyone of his last wishes, why are they not being honored?""

Marisa Fasolino

Art teacher who loves to teach of this man's journey!

Joanne Martinez

Victoria Gear

Kristin Pearl

He deserves to be with his family.

Urana Kinlen

Freedom and Dignity!

Lori Adams

Associate Real Estate Broker

Dana Elden


David Branson

Rick Solomon

Maryellen Brennan


Kathy Baldassare

He needs his family and friends to oversee his care.

Cinde Hoffman

Ospina Daisy

Maureen Dauphinee

This cannot be allowed to be the final chapter of this icon's life.

Linda Handschue


Jay Blue


Thomas Biggiani


Jerry Callistein

This is abhorrent. Peter Max deserves love and family, as does any decent person. Nobody should be kept imprisoned like this without due cause and due process.

Liza Ledyard

Virginia Kallianes

Admirer of Peter Max's Art, Fellow Animal Lover

Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy

Maureen Oboyle

Fan and Animal Advocate

Stacey Simens

Colleen Willisch

He should not be kept from his family!

Sally Mallon

Sean Prizgint

People should not be held as a prisoner due to a disease. This is a immoral and nefarious to say the least! Peter needs to be with his family. Corruption at its finest!!

Eileen Kimbell-Meaney

Human Being

Louise Pedersen

John McCormick

No one should be denied the companionship of family and friends.

Cathy Feltman


Steve Collier

Graphic Designer

Beth Schnall

Sirena Green

This is so completely wrong and heartbreaking.

Erica Taylor

Laurie Oliver

Pamela Baum


Patricia Penley

His family should be able to care for him in his time of need!

Vincenzina Dziorny

Nina Iventosch


Mary Belle Grande

Mary Jozwiak

His family and friends should be looking after him!

Ruth Sanchez

True injustice.

Gail Shapiro

"His life, money, decisions, should be his and his alone with his family and friends. Give him his life back and penalize every last person, agency or lawyer that contributed to this unlawfulness."

Margaret Salamone


Timothy French

Carrie Auerbach

Joseph Doan


Gary Zoldos

It’s the right thing to do!""

Aleta Neilson

Peter Max should not be held in forced isolation away from his family and friends.

Pamela LaVersa

No one should be treated this way.

Paul Vogel


Manny Katz

Close friend of Peter's for 65 years

Gale-Curtis Joanne


Rebecca Janowski


Marguerite Connor

His art defined my childhood and opened my imagination. He needs his family.

Italo Alfarone

Peter Max should be treated with the dignity he deserves! Stop this abuse now and let his family care for him!

Mallory Diaz

Judith Goldfarb

Radha McChristy

Elizabeth Murillo

Paula Gadigian

Admirer of Peter Max
My heart goes out to Libra and all who just want human decency for Peter and his family.

Linda Zelikson

Deb R.


Aimee Pruitt


Zerah Cruz

Guardianship is against human rights and should be removed from the United States. We cannot call ourselves a free country while this exists.

Jeanne Kelly

Kristy Bartholomew

Stop this cruelty NOW! Free the man!!!!!!

Jay Jay


Donna Hicks

Ralph Preite

Partner with Koutsoudakis & Iakovou Law Group

Kimberly Pagan

We need to speak up for those who can't.

Domanie Stewart


Kelly Marquart

His isolation from his loved ones is barbaric.

Melody Rudman

Kendra Lamb

No one who has given so much deserves to have so little in their last years.

Arlene Zuckerman

"Peter Max should be with his daughter & companion animals & treated fairly."

Diane Horstmyer

Kristen Piurek

Natali Wind

Michael Marsello


Michelle Slovak

This is a travesty and not what our democracy stands for. Would you want this to happen to you or your family?""

Tim Moore

Peter's Neighbor, Singer, Songwriter, Artist, Humanist

Edna Canny


Alana Garcia

Peter Max deserves his freedom and to be surrounded with family and friends who he loves and who love him.

Sara Kraus

Denise Schnittman

Rosemary Greibesland

Family should stay together.

Dyana Aives

Makeup Artist and Peter Max fan

Robert Fischer

No one deserves to be treated in such a way.

Eileen Dash


Janice Greco

Linda Richman

That’s cruel and not right!

Cheryl Norman

Marsha Harden

Jackie Hirtreiter

Lynn Davis

Lori Latino Marrone

I don't know HOW this happened, but he should be with his family.

Cindy Watts

Theresa Zavada

Concerned Citizen

Sharla Smith

Tom Still

Let the guy live, stop those using him to enrich themselves.

Jose Cruz


Meg Grant

Peter has family and friends to take care of him.

Paul Schickler

Paula Dyer

This gentleman needs support and protection from the situation he's in.

John Lefebvre

Patricia Zurko

Lisa Wilson

Judy Bernstein

Let him live his life please!

Sheryl Lebauer

Dementia Advocate, Civil Rights Advocate

David Aitken

I believe Peter should be free to be in the custody of his family.

Mari Tankenoff


Diane Raso

Carrie Hargrave


Rica Mendes

Diane Bard

This is unbelievable and criminal!

Joanne Cruce

No one should be subjected to this inhumane treatment.

Chacho Spears

No one deserves to be isolated or kept away from their love ones.

Judy Milstein

Jen Schultz

Worked with Peter and his studio for years

Theresa Zabel

Friend and Artist

Evelyn Viscomi

Everything is wrong about this.

Linda Valentin

Monica Usery

Every person deserves their choices to be respected for end of life care and to be able to live their final days with the people they love.

Diana Munoz

Benjamin Reed

These guardianships have been horrendously abused and need to end!!!

Fiona Walsh

Judy Grossman

This injustice must be stopped.

Lisa Hom

Sharon Mattingly

Elizabeth Candela


Brian Caterino

Heather Humphries

Meagan Tyler

Merchandise Manager

Stephanie Arcabascio

Worked side by side with Peter for 6 years…he needs to be with family and not by himself.

Lang-Moll Shala

Family Friend

Brianna Haug

Peter Max fan, Human Rights Activist

Mary Gotimer

Why is a court appointed guardian necessary when he has family?

George Steen

This man is a legend and a humanitarian...this is outrageous!

Christopher Scallon

Design Producer

Claire Kelly

Gerald Rhodes

Tanya Dias

People should be surrounded by loved ones, especially when life is slipping away.

Rose C. Munoz

Sister is under exploitive guardianship. Denied all human and civil rights. Denied due process.

Alyssen Dagesse

We need to end conservatorship/guardianship abuse now. I stand with Peter Max and every single person trapped in this injustice.

Jessie Massoudi

Alexandria Servantez

Concerned citizen

Richard Layman

This has every appearance of destructive abuse of the law against an American treasure and his family and friends.

Valerie McAndrews

I can’t understand how this could happen. A person with dementia should not be kept isolated from friends and family.

David Franco


Lacy Smart

Free Peter Max! This conservatorship needs to stop!

Krystie Damsker

Susan McDonagh

He's being preyed on because he has money. That is not justice.

Robin D’Amato

No one should be held against their will.

Mar Douglas

Stevie Bahn

Vehemently against guardianship/conservatorship abuse.

Sandra Ebert

Annmarie Zanchelli

No one should be kept from the love of family and friends. The conservatorship process needs a complete overhaul. Wealthy people are being abused for the greed of others.

Shannon Vavrinchik

Peter is being abused, trapped, cut off from loved ones.

Misty Ferguson

Human Being

Dee DePalma


Maini PJ


Lynn Carr

This is cruel treatment of an American icon, free Peter Max.

Diane Philo

Concerned fan

Penelope Windsor

"Elder abuse needs to end. Give Peter his life back! End the abusive and corrupt conservatorship."

Zoe Sandoval

Bridget Derbyshire


Robin Zweiback

Let his children care for him. Let him paint! Let him be happy with the time he has.

Heidi Sjursen

Lisa Winika

Pamela Murray

Our dear friend is living a nightmare.

Sidney Greehey


Jonah Sietz


RoseAnn Pusateri-Rowe

Rachel Meister


Paula Dory

Colleen Meehan

Mr. Max deserves better.

Susan Castaldo

Family and friends before strangers.

Jim Allen


Allison DeYenno

Peter deserves to be with his family.

Richard A. Nesladek


Alexa Fuentes Valdez

Student of Humanitarian Action
This hurts my heart to read, everyone deserves freedom, especially if they have family to care for them. Court-ordered guardianship are cruel and can be easily abused.""

Teresa White

Shirley Brown

"Do not let his life end in imprisonment as it was threatened to be when he started his life. Give dignity to the elderly."

Pia Guccione

Makeup Artist

Katharine Stiffler

Mike Kramer

Marlina Halper


Elizabeth Durnin

Needs to be with his family, not vultures. Disgraceful.

amanda Lehrer

Joan Leavy

Linda Levin

He needs his family around him and his civil rights restored. Right now, he's in prison.

Vincent Matthews

No one deserves that treatment.

Jennifer Pijuan

Michael Stamberg

Velvet Valentine

"I am a fan, and have family members who this could happen to. I am signing in support of all who deserve to have their needs and wishes carried out no matter their physical or mental condition. Justice for MAX!"

Jerry Griscti

It is not easy caring for someone with this disease but its our duty and calling from God to love and care for others. Please, Mr. Max needs to be with those who love him and want to care for his every need.

April Palmieri

Peter Max should be able to have the company of his family.

Amalia Kerr

To support this man who deserves to have time with his family.

Laura Emmett

Fan and Admirer

Kimberly Hufstetler


Norma Vogel

Jen Nadeau

GOD isn't sleeping!

Thomas Pileggi

Kathy Shanahan

Let him see his family!

Melissa Heffernan


Michele Van Rye

No parent should be cut off from there children family an friends! No outsider should be calling the shots!

Amy Jans

So sorry to Peter and Libra for having to deal with this! Conservatorship abuse must end!

Scott Aminov


Carolyn Sherman

Peter has brought so much happiness into people’s lives & deserves the same from his family & friends.

Grace Barry

JD, MSW Professor of Professional Practice

Mary Pezdek


Todd Sullivan

Myra Mass

Denise Laurenti

Karen Earl

My son was abducted 3 years ago by a guardian and law enforcement. He suffers like poor Peter Max. I am trying to get him back.

Elizabeth Marciano


Salvatore Montano

Standing against exploitation of a vulnerable man.

Ellen King-Rodgers


Marise Hausner

Andrea Chiriano


Mirleft Johnson

Sofia Lahlou


Erika Marie Hellmann

"This is appalling!! This is abuse!!"

James Warren

Stop corruption.

Nancy Brown

Ronald Kahl

"Let his family take care of him and love him to the end. Keep the courts out of it since family wants to and is able to make him loved."

Pam Kagan

Friend and collector of Peter Max's art

Zoe Fedeles

Maxi Verst


Susan Horan

Everyone has a right to be free.

Claudia Nakash

Aleda Moon

No one should have the right to do this to someone else.

Susanne Heinz

Jason Rappaport

Empathy as the son of someone suffering from dementia. Children should have the rights to ensure their parents’ wishes are respected - not the courts.

Alec Peaster

Human rights are not conditional.

Karen Shapiro

Antoinette Torrusio

Chris Kurceski

It's wrong to keep him from his family.

Karen Bush

It's an awful shame of what is going on with you that people are doing to your family....

Patrick Oboyle

Fan and Animal Advocate

Avery Davis-Fletcher

A person should never, ever have their rights as trampled and eviscerated as Mr. Max has.

Diana Gabunia


Daphne Dahl


Ann Tib


Lily Pink

I love his human should ever be treated this way...send him back to his daughter!!!

Frank Cole

"I want Peter to see his friends and family, no one should be controlled like this. Praying for him."

Elizabeth Shelton

LK Noller

I feel those who prey upon the elderly are the lowest of the low.

Linda & Jon Weiss

Friend for 30 years, love and respect him

Melissa Kuilan-Santos

No human deserves this treatment. This is abuse on every level and needs to be stopped!

Bobby Boles

Connie Ciskowski

Rhonda Turso-Perez

Lifelong Admirer

Kathy Percoco

Barbara Tesmer

Joanne Myers

Dru maguire Maguire


Elizabeth Handler

This should happen to no one.

Sharon Willison

Esther Padilla

Concerned Citizen

Diane Giangreco


June Mooney

Judy Potts

Sally Doty

Glenna Sullivan

Forced guardianship is wrong. Stealing from the elderly is wrong.

Shirley Massenzo

Health Care Professional

Paul Maiorana


Rachel Stipano

Concerned Human

Joy Elrod

Give this man his dignity back.

Logan Curtis

Nathalie Le Blevec

Susan Donk

Hill Amirah

Itzel Fierro Fierro


Sherry Batavia

Lisa Pancia

This is an abhorrent injustice.

Jolynn Frotera

This is an outrage. Though many do not have the assets comparable to Peter, the strangers are doing this every day to the elderly who are loved.

Lisa Robles

Maria Faraldo

Concerned citizen

Naomi Nelson

Admirer, Fellow Artist

Marie Fitzpatrick


Rhonda Fingerman

Carina Aspinall

Candace Bean

Johnna Stewart

Kathleen Rivers

"He should be allowed to spend his time freely with his family and friends. What a beautiful soul that is being held captive."

sandi Rhodes

Greed cannot win over love and art.

Christine Leone

Ingrid Saurer

He belongs with his family!

Kelly Nadler

Susie Moloney

Jewell McGann

Family is more Important than guardianship.

Mary Myers

Caregivers should never be jailers. Patients should never be prisoners.

Marcia Pepper

Guardianships are imprisonments.

Dianas Palma

Alyssa Suran

Linda Gellman

Artist/Photographer/Community Activist

Gail Culligan


Catherine Cooke

Debra Garland

Cynthia Parker

Patti Sietz

This needs to be fixed immediately!!!

Jamee Schleifer

Julie Jones

Sad of seeing more and more people mistreated by their caregivers.

Irene Montoya

Fan and Supporter

Shelby Burns

Camille Block

Lecturer at Fashion Institute of Technology

Tiffany Martindale

John Lafemina

No one should be held against their will or the will of cognizant family members!

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